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The job supplies charge appearing on your repair order includes items consumed in quantities less than a full container during the process of repairing your vehicle as well as other items that cannot be easily charged on a per use basis. In the event that a full container of the item was used it would be shown and charged accordingly on your invoice. However, if we didn’t use a whole can or unit of any of the items listed below, we don’t think you should be charged for the whole unit or can. Generally, the amount of supplies used is directly proportional to the amount of the labor performed.
We also have expenses that are directly related to maintain our compliance with EPA standards such as: fluid spill absorbents, biodegradable cleaners, wiping cloths, containment systems, recycling systems, disposal systems and waste management services that are a direct expense in relation to repairing automobiles in today’s sensitive environment. We are committed to keeping these costs minimal to the customer while protecting our environment. This is a partial list.
Air Filter Cleaner
Air Filter Oil
Air Intake Cleaner
Anti-Seize Lubricant
Asphalt Tape
Baby Oil (Smoke Machine)
Baby Powder
Battery Cleaner
Battery Terminal Protector
Bead Sealer
Bearing Grease
Block Test Fluid
Brake Parts Lubricant
Carburetor Cleaner
Chassis Grease
Choke Cleaner
Combustion Leak Test Fluid
Contact Cleaner
Cutoff Wheels
Dielectric Grease
Drill Bits
Electrical Cleaner
Electrical Tape
Emery Cloth
Fabric Cleaner
Fender Protectors
Foam Tape
Form A Gasket
Gasket Adhesive
Gasket Remover
Glass Cleaner
Grinding Discs
Grinding Wheels
Hacksaw Blades
Heat Tabs
Heavy Duty Thread Lock
Leather Cleaner
Liquid Wrench
Lithium Grease
Masking Tape
Mass Air Flow Sensor
Medium Duty Thread Lock
Parts Cleaner
PB Blaster
Penetrating Oil
PH Test Strips
Plastic Surface Scrapers
Polishing Discs
Protective Materials
Razor Blades
Reciprocating Saw Blades
Rust Dissolver
Scotchbrite Pads
Silicone Spray
Slip Yoke Grease
Spark Plug Compound
Special Adhesives
Starting Fluid
Steel Wool
Stripe Eraser
Super Glue
Surface Discs
Surface Prep
Teflon Tape
Thread Sealant
Tire Buffing Compound
Tire Cement
Trim Adhesives
Valve Grinding Compound
Warranty Seal
Weather Strip Adhesive
Welding Rods
Welding Wire
Wheel Weights
Windshield Washer Fluid
Wiping Cloths
Wire Brush
Wire Wheel
Certified Auto Repair Shop | Website by KUKUI
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